What to expect on your visit
Every patient will be greeted by one of our Podiatrists and will be asked to fill out a form outlining your personal details and medical history, as well as a consent to treat form.
With every new patient we record the vascular and neurological function of your feet. We aim to make every patient feel listened to and be made as comfortable as possible; nervous patients are welcome.
Often patients worry that treatment will be painful. Some conditions may be sensitive to treat, however most treatments are not uncomfortable and we are regularly complimented on our gentle touch and the results of pain relief we produce.
We adhere to rules and guidelines set out by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), College of Podiatry (CoP) and the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). We may share your information for reasons such as to ensure a continuity of care with other health care professionals.
If you would like to view our full Privacy Policy, Cancellation Policy and your rights click here.
Our Patient Information Leaflet can be found by clicking here.
“Very friendly team, felt very comfortable. Thank you.”
Our Services
Foot care & Shoe Advice
General foot care involves a range of treatments such as the cutting of nails, reduction of thickened nails, removal of callous and corns, treatment of cracked heels and blisters and much more.
Many people wear the incorrect size, width and type of shoe, which provide your feet with little support and can cause pain. We are happy to check the footwear you are wearing fits correctly and advise on shoe brands and shops we think are appropriate for your feet.
We also advise on how to look after your feet and maintain good foot hygiene, which reduces the chance of you acquiring infections and blisters.
Infection Control & Surgery
We diagnose and treat a variety of infections. Some common infections include fungal (also known as athletes foot), wart (also known as verrucas), ingrowing toe nails and many more.
We offer fungal nail testing within the clinic; it takes 2 minutes and has a 97% accuracy. Fungal nails and damaged nails often look very similar so we strongly recommend this test if you suspect you may have a fungal nail. We also offer fungal nail micro-penetration for improved success rates of clearing fungal nails for an additional fee.
We offer a range of surgeries including nail surgery (partial removal of the side of a nail, often to resolve ingrowing toe nails, or total removal, often to resolve thickened, infected nuisance nails), skin surgery (excision of fibrous corns) and verruca needling for the resolution of persistent, painful warts.
Diabetic & At Risk Care
The definition of "At Risk" is one who is at risk of ulceration and amputation due to a variety of reasons.
You many be neuropathic (loss of feeling), have peripheral vascullar disease, be immunocompromised or have a foot deformity or disability that puts you at risk of these complications.
Commonly we encounter patients who have lost feeling and have deep corns or even open wounds that they are unaware of. Therefore, we educate our patients on the importance of carrying out daily foot checks, to avoid walking around barefoot and be seen by a Podiatrist for regular foot care maintenance.
Those who are immunocompromised, have deformities or have poor blood flow will, as a result, be slow healers. They are at higher risk for infection and could take a while to heal even the smallest wound. It is therefore also important for them to see a Podiatrist regularly and if they have a wound, to be seen until fully healed and discharged by their Podiatrist.
If we think you are eligible to be seen by an NHS Podiatrist (usually in the cases of High Risk patients or those with chronic wounds or ulceration) we will advise you on this and refer you.
Sports & Injuries
We offer services to those who partake in sports, including biomechanical and footwear assessment as well as rehabillitation after injury.
Biomechanical assessment involves looking at the way in which the muscles, nerves, bones and joints of your lower limb and foot interact and move.
With this we are able to diagnose and treat conditions such as heel pain, Achilles tendinopathy, Morton's neuroma, Plantar Fasciopathy, stress fractures and leg length discrepancies, along with many others.
For sports related care, we advise that you bring in the shoes you wear for sports along with at least one pair that you wear day to day. This allows us to study the wear patterns which indicated your gait style in normal day to day activity as well as in sports.
Common treatments to expect from this appointment type could be home stretching and strengthening of certain muscles, insole/orthotic additions to alter your gait and strapping and taping. Every treatment is bespoke to the patient.
Biomechanics & Orthotics
Biomechanical assessment involves looking at the way in which the muscles, nerves, bones and joints of your lower limb and foot interact and move.
With this we are able to diagnose and treat conditions such as heel pain, Achilles tendinopathy, Morton's neuroma, Plantar Fasciopathy, stress fractures and leg length discrepancies, along with many others.
We advise that you bring in at least two pairs of shoes that you wear regularly, be these your trainers, slippers or work shoes. This allows us to study the wear patterns which indicated your gait style.
Common treatments to expect from this appointment type could be home stretching and strengthening of certain muscles, insole/orthotic additions to alter your gait and strapping and taping. Every treatment is bespoke to the patient.
Podopaediatrics is the Podiatric assessment and treatment of children ages 0-16.
We welcome children in our clinic (whether its the parent or the child needing the appointment) and we have a few toys and books in the waiting room to keep them entertained.
Common reasons for requesting an appointment for a child include but are not limited to verrucas, ingrowing toe nails, sweaty feet, blistering, flat feet and knee pain.
Call to enquire about whether we could help your child/children. We are happy to arrange extended appointments if multiple members of the family would like to be seen.